Pontoon21 spoons AV Type A were designed by Alexey Vjunov as universal series for fishing in any type of ponds, with streams and without them. The blade of the spoon AV Type A has a well-rounded wide form and thanks to the angle of rotation, which is close to 60 degrees, the spoon can be retrieved at a very low speed. It proved itself to be excellent in ponds without current, as well as in the rivers where you can’t feel the current. And it’s a widespread fact that it is these places that are the most promising in terms of predator fishing. A big opening angle enables the spoon to go through thin vegetation. It fights off plants with its wide blade. The blades of Pontoon21 spinners AV Type A have original configuration. Due to its smooth movements light reflection and focusing on the blade do not have any barriers. Thanks to an accurately designed form and convex face the external part of the blade diffuses light but its internal part focuses it! There’s an amplified pattern on the blades, which is done in the way traditional for Pontoon21 metal lures.
Size: 1
Weight: 4.30 g
Available in 3 colours